3rd GSG Meet

The 3rd “Get Set Go Meet” (GSG Meet) of CIPL was held in Jaipur on 30th December 2018 and the venue was Hotel Royale Lalit. There are only a few days in a year that all the members of CIPL get to meet each other at the same location and it was a matter of great happiness that each member tried to come to the event with their families.

The event began with a group photo followed by the traditional deep lighting by chairman Mrs. Sujata Gangwar. After this, the welcome speech was given Mr. Satyavrat Singh (Director) and this was followed by the showstopper of the event – The Award-Reward Ceremony which was hosted by Mr. Devvrath Singh. A total of 15 awards were given and Mr. Nitant Gupta was awarded the most prestigious award of the night “Star Employee of the Year 2018 “.

CIPL has always laid emphasis on mental health of its employees and in this direction, the event also held a session on “Relationship Jigsaw” which was headed by Dr. Nitin Saraswat (Renowned Psychologist and Mental Health Expert). Following the session, a Vote of Thanks was given by Mrs. Sujata Gangwar and the evening was capped off by a cultural event which involved dancing and singing performances by many of the CIPL employees and their family members.